
Check out these love and sex images:

Image by icanteachyouhowtodoit
Dallas JustOne Launch Party

Image by Jonathan D. Blundell

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Answer by Somber 123
Extremely important. Teaches them the consequences of having sex.
Answer by Deeperella
ask your doctor. he or she can tell you what time in the month there is a high chance of getting pregnant for you.
Answer by a_wood80
They don't remember that far back. They might also think that the Clintons and Biden have always expressed undying support for Obama.
Answer by Cherry Bass
No. It doesn't tell them who voted for them (if they even have that application).
Answer by Bebeâ¥
Broken Hymen
Answer by blogger
Lock the bedroom door, or if it has no lock , shove a chair under the door handle.
Answer by ErinFromOz
It's an American thing that goes back to our Puritan roots. Europeans think we're crazy for being such tightwads about sex.
Answer by felixthecat
I dunno - maybe I'm crazy, but when I was young I wouldn't have known what was a 'big' or 'small' penis!?!?? I barely knew what a penis looked like at all, never mind how to compare size!!! Am I the only one out there who was clueless as a virgin? Also, I'm thinking any size would have seemed LARGE to me!?!!??
Answer by D3V!N
Honestly, I think they only surveyed a certain amount of people, not all 3.9 Billion guys in the world.
I personally wont always think about having sex with an attractive women, I mean from here to there, there will be a thought like "hm...", but its not with everyone I see. Per say, if I find a lady attractive, I wont automatically think sex.